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YFS 01/10/2012 Minutes
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services

Commission Meeting
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
5:15 P.M.
Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
155 College Street Extension, Old Saybrook, CT 06475
  • Call to Order
Chairman Samuel B. Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:23 P.M.
  • Pledge to Allegiance
Roll Call
                Attendant Members:
                Samuel B. Barnes, Chairman              Diane Aldi-DePaola, VNA Rep
                Jennifer R. Welsh, Vice-Chair           Katie Prozesky, Students
                Dorothy Shearer, Member At-Large        JT Giegerich, Students
                Members absent:
                Ray Allen, Secretary
                Peggy Viggiano, Member At-Large
                Kate Hanratty, School System
               Also present:
                Heather McNeil, Director
                Sharon Tiezzi, Recording Clerk
  • Comments from the Public – No public in attendance
Approval of Minutes of the December 6, 2011 regular meeting
A motion made by Diane Aldi-DePaola to Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 6, 2011. Motion seconded by Jen Welsh. Motion was carried unanimously.
  • Chairman’s Comments – Sam Barnes invited newly elected First Selectman Carl Fortuna to the YFS Commission meeting.  Fortuna arrived later and was introduced to the Commission members and provided positive feedback.
  • Commission Member Reports – No reports
Director’s Report
Director’s Report for YFS Commission 1/10/2012 5:30 p.m.
Heather introduced two new interns; Joanne Deal, MFT from Liberty and Cindy McGrath, MSW from Southern.
There will be a Family Night on Friday night at the high school;    5 p.m. will be a Pixar short film for the younger age group; 6 p.m. a pasta dinner will be served; and 7 p.m. a feature film will be shown.  This evening will be no charge to the community.
REACH did a Pasta night with 194 attendees; also a no charge to the community.  They also did a sticker shock program.  Kate Prozesky explained the program.
Feb. 12 HCHY  will be having a bowling day.
YFS Director attended the Shoreline Soup Kitchen meeting last night and will be working  with the  Community Garden to offer summer work experiences for students grades 7-12 in our Summer Community Service Programs.
Budget info – Heather informed the commission what she is proposing and handed out the proposal and explained some of her concerns. A motion was made by Dorothy Shearer to accept the budget as presented and seconded by Diane Aldi-DePaola.  Motion was carried unanimously.
Capitol Expense – an estimate was received to replace the downstairs carpeting of approximately $1,500.00
January 25 – Community Conversation at the Pavilion from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. will be moderated by Alicia Farrel a local behavioral psychologist. There will be panel of presenters.  This is a stipulation of the grant and also be an opportunity to reorient and educate the community with the HCHY language. It is designed to stimulate ideas, form community action plan related to the survey data and to strengthen community alliances.
  • Old Business – none
  • New Business – Jen Welsh announced that the Foundation had a name change and is now known as the “Old Saybrook Community Foundation”.  This has been in process to differentiate the Foundation from the agency and to clarify the intent of donation for funding sources.
  • Other Business
Next meeting February 7, 2012 at Pasbeshauke Pavilion
  • Adjournment
Motion made by Jen Welsh to adjourn at 6:15 p.m.; seconded by Dorothy Shearer; motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Tiezzi, Recording Clerk